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Số sản phẩm : 0
Thành tiền : VND
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Giờ làm việc

T2->T6: 9h - 19h

T7->CN: 9h - 17h

Số dt/Zalo: 0834 11 77 55

Đang truy cập: 396
Trong ngày: 550
Trong tuần: 550
Lượt truy cập: 18259923

Sản phẩm nằm trong danh mục:
4) LỤC QUÂN -> _ LỤC QUÂN 1/35-B -> 1/35 MENG
4) LỤC QUÂN -> _ Phân loại 1/35 -> + XE BÁNH HƠI


Click vào ảnh lớn để zoom

Giá : 449.000 VND Giá cũ : 599.000 VND

Số lượng    

Lượt xem: 906

Mô tả

With its open cargo bay design, the light truck known as pickup is widely utilized in many fields nowadays. Pickups find their way well into military purposes at each corner of the world for its advantages. ZPU-2 is a double-barrel AA gun developed by the former Soviet Union, and Type 58 is the Chinese-built version.
For fast shooting and great power, it can be loaded onto many vehicles. And it plays an important role in the low-altitude air defense and other offensive operations. It is still see activities in modern warfare and armed conflict today as an efficient fire support weapon.

This is the 1/35 scale plastic kit of PICKUP w/ZPU-2. Doors can be assembled in the open or closed position. Complex structure of ZPU-2 AA gun is accurately modeled. The AA gun is moveable and the movement of sight is linked to the gun barrel through linkage system. Two weapon options are provided (ZPU-2/Type 58 AA gun). Precision PE parts are included. Two paint schemes for the Pickup are provided.
Overall length: 140mm; width: 57mm

Item Size/Weight : 33 x 19 x 6.5 cm / 469g



 * Cách đọc mã màu trong bảng hướng dẫn và bảng mã màu quy đổi.

Link sản phẩm sơn Lacquer: Mr.Hobby - Alclad - Jumpwind

Màu kim loại (dành cho moto-oto-gundam-vũ khí quân sự) - Màu nhủ (dành cho moto-oto-gundam)

Link sản phẩm sơn Acrylic: Mr.Hobby - MIG-AMMO



Pick Up w/ZPU-2 (Plastic model) Package1
Pick Up w/ZPU-2 (Plastic model) Contents1
Pick Up w/ZPU-2 (Plastic model) Contents2
Pick Up w/ZPU-2 (Plastic model) Contents3
Pick Up w/ZPU-2 (Plastic model) Contents4
Pick Up w/ZPU-2 (Plastic model) About item1
Pick Up w/ZPU-2 (Plastic model) Color1
Pick Up w/ZPU-2 (Plastic model) Color2
Pick Up w/ZPU-2 (Plastic model) Assembly guide1
Pick Up w/ZPU-2 (Plastic model) Assembly guide2
Pick Up w/ZPU-2 (Plastic model) Assembly guide3
Pick Up w/ZPU-2 (Plastic model) Assembly guide4
Pick Up w/ZPU-2 (Plastic model) Assembly guide5
Pick Up w/ZPU-2 (Plastic model) Assembly guide6
Pick Up w/ZPU-2 (Plastic model) Assembly guide7
Pick Up w/ZPU-2 (Plastic model) Assembly guide8
Pick Up w/ZPU-2 (Plastic model) Assembly guide9
Pick Up w/ZPU-2 (Plastic model) Assembly guide10
Pick Up w/ZPU-2 (Plastic model) Assembly guide11
Pick Up w/ZPU-2 (Plastic model) Assembly guide12
Pick Up w/ZPU-2 (Plastic model) Assembly guide13
Pick Up w/ZPU-2 (Plastic model) Assembly guide14
Pick Up w/ZPU-2 (Plastic model) Assembly guide15
Pick Up w/ZPU-2 (Plastic model) Assembly guide16
Pick Up w/ZPU-2 (Plastic model) Assembly guide17
Pick Up w/ZPU-2 (Plastic model) About item(Eng)1



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