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Số sản phẩm : 0
Thành tiền : VND
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Giờ làm việc

T2->T6: 9h - 19h

T7->CN: 9h - 17h

Số dt/Zalo: 0834 11 77 55

Đang truy cập: 22
Trong ngày: 52
Trong tuần: 1692
Lượt truy cập: 18343190

Sản phẩm nằm trong danh mục:
4) LỤC QUÂN -> _ LỤC QUÂN 1/35-B -> 1/35 TAMIYA
_ NGA -> _ Lục quân -> _ IS-series


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Giá : 639.000 VND Giá cũ : 799.000 VND

Số lượng    

Lượt xem: 1376

Mô tả

About the Russian Heavy Tank JS III

On September 7th 1945, the allied nations were staggered by Russia's disclosure of their JS-3 heavy tank at a victory parade in Berlin. Although coded a "JS" (Josef Stalin) tank, it had a totally different appearance from its preceding models. The one-piece cast turret had a simple flattened hemispherical shape. The maximum thickness of the turret armor reached 250mm. The front hull was constructed by welding three 120mm thick armor plates, forming a shape like a ship's bow. The main armament used the same L/43 122mm gun as the JS-2. The 520 horsepower diesel engine provided 40km/h of maximum speed. With the concerted effort of the talented Russian tank engineers such as N.L. Jukhov and Z.A. Kotin, the prototype was completed in October 1944 and the mass production began in the following year. There have been a lot of controversy concerning whether or not the JS-3 saw any fighting during the Berlin campaign. At least one regiment was equipped with the JS-3 by then, but it's still uncertain if they were committed to the actual fighting. Other sources claim that it was first deployed in combat against the Japanese in Manchuria in August 1945. Incorporating several modifications, its production was continued until 1951 and about 1,800 JS-3's were produced. Its simple and effective turret and hull configuration deeply influenced not only the following Russian tanks, but also fighting vehicles of the western nations.

*** Chuyển phát nhanh miễn phí toàn quốc với đơn hàng từ 500.000 VND trở lên.
*** SDT: 0834117755
*** Tp.HCM, hoạt động từ 2012.



 * Cách đọc mã màu trong bảng hướng dẫn và bảng mã màu quy đổi.

Link sản phẩm sơn Lacquer: Mr.Hobby - Alclad - Jumpwind

Màu kim loại (dành cho moto-oto-gundam-vũ khí quân sự) - Màu nhủ (dành cho moto-oto-gundam)

Link sản phẩm sơn Acrylic: Mr.Hobby - MIG-AMMO



ソビエト重戦車JS3スターリン3型 (プラモデル) パッケージ1
ソビエト重戦車JS3スターリン3型 (プラモデル) 商品画像1
ソビエト重戦車JS3スターリン3型 (プラモデル) 中身1
ソビエト重戦車JS3スターリン3型 (プラモデル) 中身2
ソビエト重戦車JS3スターリン3型 (プラモデル) 中身3
ソビエト重戦車JS3スターリン3型 (プラモデル) 中身4
ソビエト重戦車JS3スターリン3型 (プラモデル) 解説1
ソビエト重戦車JS3スターリン3型 (プラモデル) 解説2
ソビエト重戦車JS3スターリン3型 (プラモデル) 塗装1
ソビエト重戦車JS3スターリン3型 (プラモデル) 塗装2
ソビエト重戦車JS3スターリン3型 (プラモデル) 設計図1
ソビエト重戦車JS3スターリン3型 (プラモデル) 設計図2
ソビエト重戦車JS3スターリン3型 (プラモデル) 設計図3
ソビエト重戦車JS3スターリン3型 (プラモデル) 設計図4
ソビエト重戦車JS3スターリン3型 (プラモデル) 設計図5
ソビエト重戦車JS3スターリン3型 (プラモデル) 設計図6
ソビエト重戦車JS3スターリン3型 (プラモデル) 設計図7
ソビエト重戦車JS3スターリン3型 (プラモデル) 英語解説1

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