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Danh mục

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Số sản phẩm : 0
Thành tiền : VND
Xem giỏ hàng

Giờ làm việc

T2->T6: 9h - 19h

T7->CN: 9h - 17h

Số dt/Zalo: 0834 11 77 55

Đang truy cập: 32
Trong ngày: 1167
Trong tuần: 1707
Lượt truy cập: 18186871

Sản phẩm nằm trong danh mục:
4) LỤC QUÂN -> _ LỤC QUÂN 1/35-B -> 1/35 RPG
***) HÀNG MỚI VỀ -> _ 583-Mô hình quân sự


Click vào ảnh lớn để zoom

Giá : 699.000 VND Giá cũ : 899.000 VND

Số lượng    

Lượt xem: 292

Mô tả




 * Cách đọc mã màu trong bảng hướng dẫn và bảng mã màu quy đổi.

Link sản phẩm sơn Lacquer: Mr.Hobby - Alclad - Jumpwind

Màu kim loại (dành cho moto-oto-gundam-vũ khí quân sự) - Màu nhủ (dành cho moto-oto-gundam)

Link sản phẩm sơn Acrylic: Mr.Hobby - MIG-AMMO



Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Package1
Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Item picture1
Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Item picture2
Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Item picture3
Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Item picture4
Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Item picture5
Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Item picture6
Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Item picture7
Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Item picture8
Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Item picture9
Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Item picture10
Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Item picture11
Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Item picture12
Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Item picture13
Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Item picture14
Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Item picture15
Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Item picture16
Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Item picture17
Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Item picture18
Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Other picture1
Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Contents1
Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Contents2
Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Contents3
Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Contents4
Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Contents5
Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Color1
Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Color2
Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Assembly guide1
Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Assembly guide2
Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Assembly guide3
Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Assembly guide4
Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Assembly guide5
Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Assembly guide6
Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Assembly guide7
Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Assembly guide8
Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Assembly guide9
Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Assembly guide10
Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Assembly guide11
Russian Typhoon VDV K-4386 with 30mm 2A42 Autocannon (Plastic model) Assembly guide12

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